Newsflash #12: GEMex 3rd interim meeting in Bochum
GEMex 3rd Interim meeting in Bochum
GEMex partners got together from 17-19 June 2019 in Bochum, Germany, for the 3rd interim meeting. The first day was focused on the discussion of geophysical data and results. By now, GEMex researchers published first results from resistivity modelling, seismic structures, seismic modelling, InSAR, and gravity modelling. During the meeting, procedures for integration of these results were defined and first ideas for joint interpretation were presented.
On 18 and 19 June, the major project results for both geothermal sites under investigation were presented – including geological information, geochemistry, geophysics and reservoir modelling. We critically discussed the presented data, interpretation and modelling approaches and concentrated on the integration of results from different disciplines. Additionally, the approach for the developement of a stimulation concept for Acoculco is now more clearly defined and a first possible scenario was outlined, which will guide the work towards a full concept. For Los Humeros, the geological interpretation of geophysical data was in the focus of the meeting, but we also had a very enthusiastic presentation of petrological evidence for small magma pockets in the Los Humeros volcanic complex.
During the whole meeting, the Mexican colleagues were connected remotely, which meant a very early start of the day for them (2 am in the morning). However, their contributions to the discussion were indispensable and we are very happy that we could ensure their online participation.