Newsflash #9: Meet us at GeoTHERM - 1-2 March 2018
GeoTHERM expo & congres

GEMex will have a joint booth at GeoTHERM 2018 in Offenburg (1st + 2nd March 2018) with five other H2020 geothermal projects:
- GeoWell
Challenges, approaches, results and outcomes of the projects will be presented. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you during the exhibition.
Additionally, DESTRESS is organising a side-event at 2 March. International experts mainly engaged in DESTRESS will provide an overview on good practices for successful geothermal projects with a focus on procedural aspects, public involvement and case studies. Please find more information in the Event flyer.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Offenburg!