Newsflash #13: Check out the periodic report and recent deliverables of GEMex
GEMex latest results - Check out the periodic report and recent deliverables of GEMex
Having reached ¾ of the GEMex’ runtime, a lot of the goals set out at the start of the project have been achieved by now. The geological, geophysical and geochemical field work is completed, many of the data have been analyzed and first results from the interpretation have been published. The second periodic report gives a thorough overview over the research activities performed from April 2018 to March 2019 and summarizes the resulting publications and project reports. Among those are the final results from the studies of the exhumed system in Las Minas, which is regarded as an analogue to the currently active superhot system in Los Humeros. The report includes a geologic map of the region around Las Minas which is based on all the results from the investigations in the area.
Excellent results have also been achieved from the resistivity modelling based on the MT and TEM surveys conducted in Los Humeros and Acoculco by the GEMex team. The resistivity model clearly indicates the presence of high-temperature hydrothermal alteration minerals in certain parts of the caldera complexes. The geophysicists will combine these results with the information retrieved from the other geophysical approaches, such as gravity, passive seismic or InSAR imaging.
All deliverables from the GEMex project are publicly available on the GEMex website, along with many of the publications resulting from the project.